Better together: Granicus + Simpleview logo

Together, Simpleview and Granicus will serve more than 7,000 organizations worldwide with a workforce of approximately 2,000 employees. Together, the companies now have the ability to reach and engage with more than 400 million current and future residents, visitors, and businesses to create connected communities that support places where individuals want to visit, meet, live, work, play and invest.

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An Engagement and Collaboration Simulation for DMO’s

Pre-pandemic, the need for stakeholder engagement and alignment was a pressing but not yet universally acknowledged challenge for all DMO’s. However, the past 18 months have catapulted this issue to one of the most urgent and important challenges of post-pandemic tourism management. About three…

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5 steps to develop a strategic email campaign

In a world with ever-expanding digital marketing options, it’s not uncommon to ask if email marketing is still important – the short answer: an emphatic yes. More than 70% of marketers believe email is the top form of digital marketing for return on investment. Email ranks higher than paid search…

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5 Best Practices for Using Tags in CMS

"For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned." Ben Franklin Because the tourism industry is in a state of reemergence and adaptation, now is an optimal time to prioritize your organizational strategy for your Simpleview CMS. Using tags and categories according to best practices can…

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An Homage to Destination Execs Who Just GET IT DONE!

Over the course of the pandemic, we have seen destination marketing organizations make rapid and significant changes. The community relevance of a tourism organization, its integration with civic and citizen plans and its contribution to the local economy have all been in the spotlight. Having…

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Unifying the Mexican Caribbean With a Website Design

Quintana Roo, commonly known as “The Mexican Caribbean,” is a unique region with diverse destinations and tourist attractions. These include Caribbean beaches, tropical jungles, archaeological sites, underground rivers, Mayan archaeological sites, and so much more. Early last year, the Quintana Roo…

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