Simpleview DAM powered by Cloudinary - Mockup on Laptop with woman

Elevate your destination marketing with our reimagined Simpleview DAM. Discover digital asset management specifically designed for DMOs — powered with AI technology, video streaming, and integrated with Simpleview's tech stack.

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10 impressive ways your sales peers maximize MINT+

The most successful sales professionals use every available tool to garner lead prospects and research competitors. The enhanced MINT+ is one resource for meetings and event salespeople at destination marketing organizations (DMOs). Our recent webinar, “10 Impressive Ways Your Sales Peers Maximize…

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Comic relief: the popularity and impact of Comic-Cons

Comic Conventions Today A stormtrooper, a Spider-Man, and a Harley Quinn walk into a bar … which means it must be Comic-Con season. The popularity of comic conventions, particularly San Diego’s, has skyrocketed since their inception in 1970. Comic-Cons offer a way to unify people of all walks of…

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Q&A: Dasha Runyan and Vimal Vyas on the new MINT+

With the recent MINT+ transformations and enhancements, we thought it would be helpful to hear from professionals in the meetings and events industry. Dasha Runyan and Vimal Vyas are members of the steering committee that helped set and guide the software updates. Runyan is the vice president of…

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Small destinations find big gains in MINT+

Historically, many destinations have viewed MINT+ as a destination marketing organization (DMO) database predominately for large destinations and citywide events. In reality, a wide cross-section of all-size DMOs contributes data to MINT+, resulting in a wide variety of meeting opportunities for…

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How to Grow Your MINT+ Muscle

Being a MINT+ subscriber can be a lot like having a gym membership. You know it’s good for you, and it offers incredible opportunities to get stronger; however, for many, the promise of possibility is quickly replaced by the demands of everyday working realities, mainly the perceived lack of TIME…

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